Remember our warmth

  1. Write like you speak
  2. Watch out for formality
  3. Ask your reader questions
  4. Be enthusiastic
  5. Don't go overboard

Write like you speak

Forget you’re writing to someone on behalf of a company. Instead, imagine you’re talking to them face-to-face.

Talk ‘we’ and ‘you’. Use everyday words and phrases — and work hard to translate the complexities.

The exam is taken online, with appropriate security precautions.

We host our exams online, with measures in place to make sure your results are valid.

Acquire the mindset of a UX designer

Learn to think like a UX designer

Watch out for formality

Being expert doesn’t mean we need to sound cold and formal. In fact, making complex ideas simple is one of the ways we can demonstrate our expertise.

(This is even true with readers we might consider ‘expert’ or ‘sophisticated’. Read this Nielsen report to find out why we all prefer more everyday language.)

Unsure if you’re writing sounds formal? Ask yourself: would I say this out loud?

indicative of the wider growth in the UX industry.

Discover why the UX industry is growing and growing

Ask your reader questions

Questions make us sound warm and conversational. Plus, they give our readers something to respond to.

The industry has grown massively in recent years and as a result we’ve seen an evolution of product and design teams. This is largely due to a shift in mindset.

In the last few years the industry has grown massively, and the roles of product and design teams have shifted with it.

Why are these changes happening?

Be enthusiastic

Our students are excited about our courses. We should be too. Look for opportunities to bring energy and enthusiasm:

  • Congratulating a student on their exam result
  • Sharing our latest research findings
  • Announcing a new course


Let’s build your UX career

From upskilling in #UX to launching his own digital consultancy, follow alumni Angus' compelling journey.

From #UX upskiller to business owner, our graduate Angus has been on an incredible journey.

Don't go overboard

We’re a warm, engaging group of people. But we’re also an institute, relied on by thousands to help advance their careers.

So while we bring energy and enthusiasm into our writing, we should never sound silly or over-the-top.

And be careful with emojis and exclamation marks. Only use them when you’re talking about something positive, and don’t overdo it.

Congratulations on the exam result, Sarah! What an absolute hero! 🙌 🙌 🙌

Congratulations, Sarah. Seriously impressive 💪