Make it useful

  1. Put the key point first
  2. Find the benefit
  3. Guide with formatting
  4. Cut what you don't need
  5. Read it back as your reader

Put the key point first

Think about your reader: what’s the one thing they really want to know?

Maybe it’s their score results, or login details for the course. Whatever it is, put it at the start of your writing.

That way, your reader gets what they need. And we’re more likely to be understood.

(This is different to the way we’re taught to write at school, where you start building an argument towards a conclusion. Instead, we put the conclusion first.)

Are the courses recognised by employers in my country?

The UK higher education system is internationally renowned for its excellent standards. Our courses are all credit-rated by Glasgow Caledonian University, a highly-rated UK university. The Professional Diploma in UX Design is allocated 20 credits at Level 8 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework and the Professional Certificate in Visual Design is allocated 12. For your country, there will be an equivalent award in the relevant educational system. For guidance, please review the Certification Equivalents Table.

Are your courses recognised in my country?

Yes. Use this table to find out what our courses are worth in your country’s education system.

Find the benefit

Don’t make it all about us. Remember that, deep down, we’re all looking for what something means for us.

So ask yourself:

  • What's in this for my reader?
  • Why should they carry on reading?
  • What difference will it make to their lives?

We set high standards at the UX Design Institute. And to take those standards further, we want to give you a globally recognised qualification.

Build your career with a globally-recognised qualification in UX.

Guide with formatting

It’s unlikely readers will study our writing word-for-word.

Instead, they’ll skim for the key information (particularly online). Help them out with formatting tools like headings and bullet points.

I have attached your exam score report to give you an indication of which areas might require a little more preparation. You can reschedule your exam at any time — we offer one free exam resit. You can schedule this when you feel ready.

  1. Read over the attached exam score report
  2. Focus on the areas you need to improve
  3. Schedule your retake exam

Cut what you don't need

Watch out for words that don’t add any extra meaning to your writing.

Take a phrase like At the UX Design Institute. Our readers will almost certainly know who’s talking to them, so we can make our writing quicker by simply saying we.

The Council serves as our main line to the industry, playing a vital role in overseeing the development of our courses, and making sure they are employer-focused and forward-thinking.

The Council connects us to the wider UX industry. It oversees our courses, making sure they’re current, relevant, and focused on the skills employers need most.

Read it back as your reader

Finished your first draft? Take a break, then come back to it with fresh eyes.

So ask yourself:

  • Is it focused on the reader?
  • Is it quick and easy to read?
  • Does it present key information simply?

As you know, we’re UX professionals. And we’ve structured the course to follow the life-cycle of an actual UX project.

You’ll follow the life-cycle of an actual UX project. And learn to think like a UX professional along the way.