Our voice in action

  1. Website: student benefits
  2. Instagram post
  3. Student email: exam result
  4. Facebook response
  5. Email: nurture flow
  6. UX jobs landscape report
  7. UX designer job ad
  8. Homepage masthead
  9. About us
  10. Brochure welcome

Website: student benefits

Before –––

Outcomes for you

The Professional Diploma in UX Design will give you a thorough understanding of the concepts and techniques today’s employers are looking for.

  • Advance your career with job-ready skills
  • Adopt the mindset that sets UX designers apart
  • Speak with the confidence that comes from a true, deep understanding of UX
  • Learn the tools that UX designers use every day

What's not working?

  • The tone feels cold and impersonal: outcomes, thorough understanding
  • The opening sentence is wordy and hard to read

After –––

What you'll achieve

Gain a deep understanding of the UX methods today’s employers look for.

  1. Learn to think like a UX designer
  2. Build confidence with essential UX concepts
  3. Grow your career with job-ready skills

What's changed?

  • It's simpler and easier to read:
  • The Professional Diploma in UX Design will give you a thorough understanding → gain a deep understanding of...
  • It's warmer and more everyday:
  • adopt the mindset that sets UX designers apart → learn to think like a UX designer


Before –––

Since the lockdown took effect, we have seen a huge surge in student numbers and engagement, indicative of the wider growth in the UX industry. Read more insights in our full report (link in bio) #UX #UXdesign

What's not working?

  • It's wordy and long-winded:
  • since the lockdown took effect, we have seen a huge surge...
  • It sounds formal and cold:
  • indicative of the wider growth

After –––

Since lockdown, we've welcomed more students than ever before. And seen engagement rates shoot up too.

Discover why the UX industry is growing and growing in our report. (Link in our bio). #UX #UXdesign

What's changed?

  • It's more focused on our students:
  • we've welcomed more students than ever before
  • It sounds everyday and informal:
  • shoot up, growing and growing
  • It's more actionable:
  • read more → discover why

Student email: exam result

Before –––


How are you?

Unfortunately, you were unsuccessful in passing the exam this time round. You scored 50 correct answers but unfortunately you need a score of 72 correct answers or higher to pass.

I have attached your exam score report to give you an indication of which areas might require a little more preparation.

You can reschedule your exam at any time — we offer one free exam resit. You can schedule this when you feel ready.

If you need help with anything at all, just let me know!

Best wishes


What's not working?

  • It's delaying the main point: we don't really want to know how are you (and our reader doesn't want to tell us)
  • It's formal and apologetic: repeating unfortunately feels laboured
  • It's wordy and long-winded: give you an indication
  • It sounds dismissive: if you need help with anything at all... sounds insincere and rushed

After –––

Hi Rachel,

I have some bad news: you haven’t passed the exam this time round.

You scored 50 correct answers, but didn’t reach the 72 or more needed to pass.

Here’s how we’ll get there next time:

  • Read over the attached exam score report
  • Focus on the areas you need to improve
  • Schedule your retake exam

Before then, just get in touch with any questions. We’re always on hand to help.


What's changed?

  • It's upfront: we're getting straight to the important information.
  • It's useful: giving clear, numbered action points for hitting the mark next time round.
  • It's supportive and confident: we're always on hand to help

Facebook response

Before –––

Hi Níall,

Thanks for your comment.

At the UX Design Institute we help students build their UX career with globally-recognised, industry-approved qualifications.

We’re headquartered in Dublin but because our courses are delivered entirely online, our student body is global.

Our courses are credit-rated by Glasgow Caledonian University, a highly-rated UK university. On the FAQ section of our website you’ll find details of the credit-ratings. The Professional Diploma in UX Design is allocated 20 credits at Level 8 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework and the Professional Certificate in Visual Design is allocated 12. For further guidance, we recommend visiting the Certification Equivalents Table here: [link]

If you’d like to find out more about our alumni, you can read our student stories here: [link]

Please let me know if you have any more questions. Have a lovely day!

What's not working?

  • It sounds copy-and-paste, rather than a genuine response: At the UX Design Institute we help students...
  • It sounds defensive: explaining that Caledonian University is a highly-rated UK university only makes it sound like it isn't
  • It sounds inconsistent: Have a lovely day! feels out of tone with the rest of the response – do we really mean it?

After –––

Hi Níall, fair questions!

We run online courses in UX and Visual Design, helping students build their careers with industry-approved qualifications.

Our HQ is here in Dublin, but we also have an office in London. And, since our courses are online, our students come from all over the world.

As for Scotland, we’re credit-rated by Glasgow Caledonian University. They’ve allocated:

  • 20 credits at SCQF Level 8 to our Professional Diploma in UX Design
  • 12 credits to our Professional Certificate in Visual Design

If you’d like to know more, head over to our our FAQ page: [link].

Hope that helps 👍

What's changed?

  • It’s honest and human: we’re acknowledging the potential confusion with fair questions!
  • It sounds helpful, not self-serving: a highly-rated university → we're credit-rated by Glasgow Caledonian University
  • It’s useful: we’re making our accreditation details quick and easy to read
  • It’s warm but consistent: Have a lovely day! → hope that helps...

Email: Nurture flow

Before –––

Hi [NAME],

There is a global shortage of qualified UX professionals. But that’s not the only reason to be excited about a career in UX. What makes UX such an attractive career option?

UX skills are in demand

UX design is one of the top five in-demand skills, according to LinkedIn reports. This trend is set to continue as UX becomes a Google ranking factor in 2021. Companies will need to continue to invest in UX skills to remain competitive.

UX professionals are well paid

UX designers command a high salary too. Here’s what you can expect to earn across the globe:

  • Germany: €45,000
  • UK: £33,300
  • US: $68,300

UX welcomes transferable skills

UX is a great conversion career because it welcomes skills from other disciplines like graphic design, marketing, project management and even retail. You don’t need a background in design or tech to make a great UX designer. You just need the right training.

Unsure if UX is the right career choice for you?

Speak to an advisor →

What's not working?

  • It sounds negative – global shortage usually introduces a problem, not an opportunity
  • It sounds distant and formal: this trend is set to continue
  • It sounds abstract. It's talking about UX professionals, not to the reader
  • It sounds uncertain: Unsure if UX is the right career choice for you?

After –––


There are lots of reasons to get excited about working in UX. It’s a growing industry, full of dynamic, varied work. But let’s get practical for a minute: why is now the right time to start your UX career?

UX skills are in demand

According to LinkedIn, UX design is one of the top five sought-after skills. And it’s not going anywhere fast. From 2021, good UX improves Google search ranking – so every company will have UX high on their agenda.

Your skills are valuable

So the need is there, but what’s in it for you? Well, UX designers can earn good salaries. Here’s what you can expect to get paid around the world:

  • Germany: €45,000
  • UK: £33,300
  • US: $68,300

Your experience is transferable

UX is great for career changers. Experience from different sectors is a strength – from graphic design, marketing, project management, even retail. And you don’t need a background in design to be a great UX professional – just the right training.

Ready to start your UX career?

Speak to an advisor →

What's changed?

  • It starts on a positive, with excitement about a new career
  • It centres on the practical side, creating urgency with now and you
  • It centres you, the reader, in the headings
  • It uses short sentences to add energy
  • It ends on a positively-framed question

UX jobs landscape report

Before –––

The UX jobs landscape

The UX jobs landscape can be tricky to navigate. The industry has grown massively in recent years and as a result we’ve seen an evolution of product and design teams. This is largely due to a shift in mindset; a recognition that UX is a key driver in an organisation’s success. Companies like Apple, Google and Amazon led the way and the rest of the world has been following suit.

What's not working?

  • It repeats the report title in the heading
  • It sounds unclear – the message switches from being tricky to navigate, to a driver of business growth, without taking the reader with it
  • It sounds formal: recognition that UX is a key driver

After –––

A fast-evolving landscape

The UX world is full of opportunity. But it can be tricky to navigate – even for seasoned professionals. In the last few years the industry has grown massively, and the roles of product and design teams have shifted with it.

Why are these changes happening? Because businesses understand how UX can drive their success. And where giants like Apple, Google and Amazon have led the way, the rest of the world is following.

What's changed?

  • It has a new heading that’s a shortcut to what the copy is saying
  • It’s easier to read in shorter paragraphs
  • It feels like a two-way interaction with questions to introduce new ideas: why are these changes happening?

UX designer job description

Before –––

UX designer

Each role within UX contributes to solving user problems but UX designers are the most pivotal in the process. The most basic description is that UX designers are responsible for solving the problems identified during research. But often senior designers will play a more comprehensive role. They will be involved in the user research; they will help define the problem to be solved; they will take ownership of designing the solution.

What are UX designers responsible for?

  • Strong UX designers will take ownership of solving the problem for users
  • They will work with researchers to understand the problem
  • They’ll take responsibility for solving the problem
  • They will work with the wider dev team to make sure solution is delivered through the product

What skills and qualities do UX designers need?

  • Empathy: they must be able to see things from the team and the user’s perspective
  • Communication: They can articulate design decisions to business leaders
  • Problem solving: They focus on the big picture, taking a holistic approach to solving user problems

What's not working?

  • It’s hard to take in: the opening sentence needs formatting for pauses and emphasis
  • It’s repetitive: there are two points in the same list about problem solving
  • It sounds forceful: they must be able to

After –––

What’s it like to be a UX designer?

In a UX project, every team member helps solve the user problem. And UX designers are the most pivotal part of the process.

Put simply, a UX designer solves the problems that come up during research. But senior designers play a bigger role, getting involved in user research, defining the problem, and leading on designing the solution.

What do UX designers do?

  • Work with researchers to understand the user problem
  • Find a solution that works for users
  • Collaborate with the wider team to make sure the product solves the user problem

What skills do you need as a UX designer?

  • Empathy: seeing things from the team and the user’s perspective
  • Communication: articulating design decisions to business leaders
  • Problem solving: focusing on the big picture to find a solution

What's changed?

  • It’s talking to the reader in the headlines: What skills do you need as a UX designer?
  • It’s simpler: words like more comprehensive can just say bigger
  • It’s shorter: there are shorter bullet points, and less of them

Homepage masthead

Before –––

Certification for UX professionals

University credit-rated UX education

Build your UX career with globally-recognised, industry-approved qualifications. Acquire the mindset, the skills and the confidence that make UX designers so valuable.

What's not working?

  • It’s not inspiring: Certification for UX professionals
  • It’s hard to take in: two compound adjectives globally-recognised, industry-approved makes the sentence hard to scan
  • It’s formal: acquire the mindset isn't everyday language

After –––

Become a certified UX professional

University credit-rated. Industry-approved. Globally-recognised.

Learn to think like a UX designer. Gain the concepts, skills, and confidence to build your UX career.

What's changed?

  • It’s talking to the reader in the headline, and addressing their needs
  • It’s short and sharp: University credit-rated. Industry approved. Globally recognised.
  • It gives the reader instructions: Learn to, gain the

About Us

Before –––

About the UX Design Institute

We deliver in-depth UX education and certification programmes. Our goal is to bridge the global skills gap in UX design, and to provide a career pathway for UX designers.

University credit-rated

All our courses are university credit-rated. This guarantees a level of academic excellence, and gives students authentic, globally-recognised qualifications.

Industry collaboration

Members of our Industry Advisory Council include global leaders in the tech, design and recruitment industries. Their role is to oversee the development of our courses, and ensure they are current, relevant and focused on the skills most needed by employers.

What's not working?

  • It’s not using the reader’s language: education and certification programmes doesn't sound like something someone would actually say
  • It’s overselling: needing to call courses authentic isn't reassuring
  • It’s formal: phrases like the skills most needed by employers sound unnatural

After –––


We run certified UX learning programmes for students around the world. Our goal? To bridge the global skills gap in UX design – so more people can get ahead with their UX careers.

University credit-rated

All of our courses are university credit-rated. So you’re guaranteed a globally-recognised qualification, backed up by quality teaching.

Industry collaboration

Everything we do is guided by our Industry Advisory Council. It's made up of global leaders in the tech, design and recruitment industries. Together, they oversee the development of our courses – making sure they’re current, relevant and focused on the skills employers need most.

What's changed?

  • It has a user benefit: so more people can move forward with their UX careers
  • It breaks up the rhythm with a question: our goal?
  • It speaks to the reader: So you're guaranteed a globally-recognised qualification

Brochure welcome

Before –––


You’re reading this because your career matters to you. And UX design is a great career choice. It’s a unique mix of psychology, technology and design. It’s satisfying, rewarding and meaningful work. And UX skills are in demand.

It’s why we’ve designed a professional certification in user experience design. To give people like you a pathway into a profession that needs people like you.

You’ll get a chance to shape the technology that is changing our world. Without good design, it will become a complicated, frustrating and alienating place.

The future deserves world-class UX design. And it needs more world-class UX designers.

With thousands of professionals trained across dozens of countries, the UX Design Institute is the global leader in UX education, providing a unique university accredited certification.

Become a leader in your industry by becoming a certified user experience professional.

What's not working?

  • It has two lists of three side by side, and it’s hard to read
  • It emphasises the problem not the opportunity: Without good design, it will become a complicated, frustrating and alienating place.
  • It talks about UXDI in the third person

After –––

Let's build your UX career

Welcome to your first step in becoming a UX designer.

Meet your new industry

UX is a rewarding career choice, combining psychology, technology and design. It’s an important role that’s only growing in demand.

As a UX designer, you’ll shape the technology that’s changing our world. Making it simpler, more accessible, and easier to navigate.

Gain a certified qualification

Our professional certification will guide you into the industry. Our courses are university accredited and globally recognised, giving you the skills to build your UX career.

Join the UX community

And you can trust us every step of the way. We’re the global leader in UX education, training thousands of professionals around the world, every year.

Let’s get started.

What's changed?

  • It’s shorter and less formal
  • It groups the information about the reader together – and leads with that first
  • It talks about the reader “you”, even when it talks about UXDI